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Using options in attributes

Option type input internal output

This option is validation. It will check that the passed value corresponds to the specified type (class). The is_a? method is used.

Always required to specify. May contain one or more classes.

class NotificationsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  input :user, type: User
  input :need_to_notify, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass]

  # ...
class NotificationsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  internal :inviter, type: User

  # ...
class NotificationsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  output :notification, type: Notification

  # ...

Option required input

This option is validation. It will check that the passed value is not empty. The present? method is used.

By default, required is set to true.

class UsersService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  input :first_name,
        type: String

  input :middle_name,
        type: String,
        required: false

  input :last_name,
        type: String

  # ...

Option default input

This option is not validation. It will assign a value to the attribute if one was not passed to the service.

class UsersService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  input :middle_name,
        type: String,
        required: false,
        default: "<unknown>"

  # ...

Option as input

This option is not validation. It will indicate the new name of the attribute to work within the service. The original name inside the service will no longer be available.

class NotificationsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  input :user,
        as: :recipient,
        type: User

  # ...

  def create!
    outputs.notification =
      Notification.create!(recipient: inputs.recipient)

Option inclusion input internal (^2.2.0) output (^2.2.0)


Since version 2.12.0 this option is dynamic.

This option is validation. This option is dynamic. It will check that the passed value is in the specified array. The include? method is used.

class EventsService::Send < ApplicationService::Base
  input :event_name,
        type: String,
        inclusion: %w[created rejected approved]

  # ...
class EventsService::Send < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  internal :event_name,
           type: String,
           inclusion: %w[created rejected approved]

  # ...
class EventsService::Send < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  output :event_name,
         type: String,
         inclusion: %w[created rejected approved]

  # ...

Option consists_of input (^2.0.0) internal (^2.0.0) output (^2.0.0)


Since version 2.6.0 this option is dynamic.

This option is validation. This option is dynamic. It will check that each value in the collection matches the specified type (class). Checks nested values. The is_a? method is used.

Works only with Array and Set types. You can add a custom type through the collection_mode_class_names configuration.

Explicit use of this option is optional. The default value is String.

input :ids,
      type: Array,
      consists_of: String
internal :ids,
         type: Array,
         consists_of: String
output :ids,
       type: Array,
       consists_of: String

Option schema input (^2.0.0) internal (^2.0.0) output (^2.0.0)


Since version 2.12.0 this option is dynamic.

This option is validation. This option is dynamic. Requires a hash value that must describe the value structure of the output attribute.

Only works with the Hash type. You can add a custom type through the hash_mode_class_names configuration.

Explicit use of this option is optional. If the schema value is not specified, the validation will be skipped. By default, no value is specified.

input :payload,
      type: Hash,
      schema: {
        request_id: { type: String, required: true },
        user: {
          type: Hash,
          required: true,
          first_name: { type: String, required: true },
          middle_name: { type: String, required: false, default: "<unknown>" },
          last_name: { type: String, required: true },
          pass: {
            type: Hash,
            required: true,
            series: { type: String, required: true },
            number: { type: String, required: true }
internal :payload,
         type: Hash,
         schema: {
           request_id: { type: String, required: true },
           user: {
             type: Hash,
             required: true,
             first_name: { type: String, required: true },
             middle_name: { type: String, required: false, default: "<unknown>" },
             last_name: { type: String, required: true },
             pass: {
               type: Hash,
               required: true,
               series: { type: String, required: true },
               number: { type: String, required: true }
output :payload,
       type: Hash,
       schema: {
         request_id: { type: String, required: true },
         user: {
           type: Hash,
           required: true,
           first_name: { type: String, required: true },
           middle_name: { type: String, required: false, default: "<unknown>" },
           last_name: { type: String, required: true },
           pass: {
             type: Hash,
             required: true,
             series: { type: String, required: true },
             number: { type: String, required: true }

Each expected hash key must be described in the following format:

  request_id: { type: String, required: true }

The following options are allowed: mandatory type, required and optional default, prepare.

If the type value is Hash, then nesting can be described in the same format.

Option must input internal (^2.2.0) output (^2.2.0)

This option is validation. Allows you to create your own validations.

class PaymentsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  input :invoice_numbers,
        type: Array,
        consists_of: String,
        must: {
          be_6_characters: {
            is: ->(value:, input:) { value.all? { |id| id.size == 6 } }

  # ...
class EventsService::Send < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  internal :invoice_numbers,
           type: Array,
           consists_of: String,
           must: {
             be_6_characters: {
               is: ->(value:, internal:) { value.all? { |id| id.size == 6 } }

  # ...
class EventsService::Send < ApplicationService::Base
  # ...

  output :invoice_numbers,
         type: Array,
         consists_of: String,
         must: {
           be_6_characters: {
             is: ->(value:, output:) { value.all? { |id| id.size == 6 } }

  # ...

Option format input (^2.4.0) internal (^2.4.0) output (^2.4.0)

This option is validation. This option is dynamic and is not part of the main options.

More information

Option max input (^2.4.0) internal (^2.4.0) output (^2.4.0)

This option is validation. This option is dynamic and is not part of the main options.

More information

Option min input (^2.4.0) internal (^2.4.0) output (^2.4.0)

This option is validation. This option is dynamic and is not part of the main options.

More information

Option prepare input

This option is not validation. It is used to prepare the passed value.


Use the prepare option carefully and only for simple preparatory actions. For example, as shown below. Any logic that is more complex than that in the example below is better applied through the make action.

class PaymentsService::Create < ApplicationService::Base
  input :amount_cents,
        as: :amount,
        type: Integer,
        prepare: ->(value:) { Money.from_cents(value, :USD) }

  # ...

  def create!
    outputs.payment = Payment.create!(amount: inputs.amount)